Imagine you’re going on a journey, leaving from your front door and heading out to a supermarket, one that you haven't been to before. Now imagine you’re making the journey in a world that doesn’t rely on visual communication. No google maps, no satnav, no road signs, no black and white striped crossing, no red and green traffic lights, no shop sign, no big orange sales stickers showing you where the bargains are, no pictures of food on the packets, no logos… you get my point.

graphic change

The world would be much harder to navigate without all of the visual clues we rely on. Visual clues that we usually don’t pay that much conscious attention to at all.

It’s not our fault, it can be hard to focus when we’re busy. Our minds are cluttered, our thoughts are turned inwards trying to work through the muddle, sometimes our conscious mind stops engaging entirely and we operate on auto pilot not really aware of our surroundings at all.

So it’s understandable that we don’t always pay attention to all of the visual communication we're seeing and using out there in the world.

But we do communicate visually all of the time by using colour, shape, scale, pictures and text in different ways. Start building your visual muscle memory, being conscious of your visual brain. How? The best place to start is by paying closer attention to what you see around you every day. 

Here at Graphic Change we work with individuals and businesses helping them to get the benefits of working more visually.

Find out more about our online courses over at the Graphic Change Academy.

Or buy my book Draw A Better Business.

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