The Women Who Create community is run by the fabulous Amy Phipps who, as well as being thoroughly lovely, is also a crafting queen, a published author and a coach for crafting businesses. If that isn’t enough Amy co-runs the Women Who Create Podcast and her blog features a regular interview series.

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The Women Who Create Interview Series is a collection of interviews with inspiring creative women in business . If you’re feeling in need of a breath, they are well worth a look at for some inspirtion and some happy feels. A few months ago I was thrilled to be interviewed by Amy for the series.

So if you want to know the three things I just can’t live without, grab a cuppa and read on. Here is my interview with Amy Phipps.

Here at Graphic Change we work with individuals and businesses helping them to get the benefits of working more visually.

To find out more about our online courses, take a look at the Graphic Change Academy

Or, buy my book Draw A Better Business.

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